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Sri Power Generation (India) Private Limited
SriPower�s main business activity is to develop, install and operate large-scale solar power plants. Currently, SriPower is one of the first five private corporations in the process in setting up a solar power plant under the MNRE GBI scheme. Our pilot 2 MW solar power plant would be operation by June 30th 2010 making it one of the first operational private solar power plant in the country. The plant would be utilizing both thin film and crystalline technologies from various suppliers. This would give SriPower critical knowledge on the real performance of various panels on actual ground conditions Additional details of Mr. Srini Raju�s interests in some companies. 1. Intelligroup; 2. Megasoft Ltd: 3. Ilabs Centre: 4. Peepulcapital advisors: 5. Sri City Pvt Ltd: 6. TV9: 7. Chintalapati Holdings:
EPC Project Management 2021
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